I made furniture from scratch!
I love that my dad is a cabinet maker. Oh sure, he’d probably still have the know how and carpentry skills to help me with projects. But as a cabinet maker, he also has access to the big shiny power tools that we couldn’t play with otherwise. At least not without spending loads of money.
Toward the end of last summer, I told Pop that I wanted to build a couple of ottomans for use with my wingbacks. I took the measurements and he told me what wood to get. Maybe 4 2x4s and a little plywood later, we had a pair of these.
I told him that I wanted something sturdy enough that my fat ass could stand on it and it wasn’t going anywhere. I hate cheap furniture that falls apart. These weigh a ton.
Last week, I found this fabric.
Let me just say how much I love this fabric. I especially love that I don’t have to use a straight edge, just follow along with the fabric.
On friday night, I painted the legs of the ottomans black, in case they showed from beneath the skirt I planned to put on it. I eventually decided that with the black legs, it didn’t need a skirt.
Last night, I covered the first ottoman. However, the batting I used was thinner than I liked. So, this morning I took it apart and, using an old ripped comforter, added some more thickness to it.
Here’s the finished product!
It’s a little lumpy here and there, but I’m very thrilled with my first upholstery project. Today, I’ll be working on the other one. Eventually, I’ll recover the wingbacks either in a solid black or in this same fabric. I’m afraid that one I’ll have to send out though, so it’ll be a while before I can afford it. Until then, maybe I can find some slipcovers for them.