If I’d known you were coming…

For the last few weeks, Tastespotting has been filled with Rainbow Cakes (google them, you’ll find a lot of images with great explanations). The colors call to me. I wanted to make my own, especially when I saw someone else make them into cupcakes. Besides, I needed to test out my oven, y’know.

I mixed up an ordinary cake mix. As someone else said, Betty Crocker’s been doing it for many more years than me, she knows what she’s doing. In this case it was Pillsbury, because they were cheapest. Just a plain white cake mix, done up per package directions.

I split the batter into six ramekins and played around with the food coloring a bit. I went too dark with my purple, it wound up more brown, but it was rather grey and adding more red just made it more brown. I gave up.

You can see there that I haven’t even finished taking all the tools out of the kitchen, there’s a level on the counter still!

I spooned a little of each batter into paper lined muffin cups, only making 12. I know, this mix should make 24, but I wanted big cupcakes and I only have one muffin pan. If you have more patience than me, you would carefully add the batter to the center and let it spread outward or whatever. I am more slapdash than that. I just randomly blooped it in.

Baked them (at the top end of the baking time since they’re super sized) and they came out like this:

You know I couldn’t wait for them to cool off before slicing into one.

*squeee* I’ll top them with just some cool whip later, because that’s what I wanted on them.

It’s a plain white cake, it tastes like a plain white cake. It’s just more fun.

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