Twice in one day!

A lovely creation, if I do say so myself…

Ever since I stumbled across this cake, I’ve known that I just had to make it. Add to that the fact that we’ve had a basket of hazelnuts sitting on the table for ages. Sadly, they taste a little old, and this bothers me, but I’m hoping that the whole package makes up for it. I’d never toffeed nuts before and wound up with something more like brittle, maybe I overcooked the sugar? So, pop ground them down a bit with the meat mallet, breaking them into small, not too jagged pieces.

Tomorrow night I am going to a birthday dinner for friends, and I won’t have time to come home after work. This means that this cake must travel to work with me tomorrow. I might need a thermonuclear device to protect it from the snack vultures in my department.

I hope I don’t wind up waking up at 4 am with the tummy ache from eating the cinnamon rolls and then tasting bits of this as I went along.

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