not pretty, but pretty tasty

I swear, I’m not dead. I post almost daily on livejournal and multiple times per day on facebook, but I’ve just never gotten into the habit of blogging here.

But the other night I threw something together that I just had to record, it was scrumptious!

This is a sort of recipe, I didn’t measure anything.

Braised Sausage with Vegetable Ragu

1/2 medium eggplant, diced and salted. Allow to drain for 15 minutes before using.
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into strips
2 sm/med yellow onions, sliced
8 oz mushrooms, sliced
minced garlic (I dunno, enough)
italian seasoning
1 can fire roasted diced tomatoes
balsamic vinegar

Cook all of this until the veggies are done enough to suit. You could leave out the eggplant, but it sucks up the flavors from everything else and you don’t even notice it.

In a skillet, cook 2 sausages (I used roasted red pepper this time, but I think any would work) in a bit of olive oil. Add balsamic vinegar and braise while vinegar/oil thickens to a sauce consistency.

Serve with some pasta.

Super yummy, it was surprising how good it was.

In other food news, The Boyfriend has been making scrambled eggs a la Gordon Ramsay’s method and they are amazing. Very good served over toasted rosemary sea salt bread.

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