The last January birthday present

My mommy didn’t want anything for her birthday, so I’ll probably just buy her dinner. Besides, I kind of blew out on her for Christmas.

My friend Dream shares a birthday with my mommy. She’s recently become addicted to Angry Birds and I’d thought of making her an Angry Bird plush like I’d seen over at Obsessively Stitching. I’m especially in love with her piggies. However, when it came time to start work on the gift, I just wasn’t feeling the birds.

So, I called up her hubby, who clued me in to the fact that she’d been silently coveting the sock monsters. Thanks again, Homes.

It seems that each monster gets more detailed than the last. This one has teeth, a gothy collar, earrings, silly hair and a tattoo. I introduce to you – Fang von Lichtenstein, the Baron Fang von Lichtenstein to you lowly peons.

Why yes, that IS a Horde tattoo. Freehanded even! And here he is with his new person.

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