cook something new day!
More experimentation for dinner. I decided to head to Fresh Market and let it inspire me for dinner.
Braised chicken sausages
Garlic green beans
roasted brussel sprouts!
Go ahead, get all the icks out. I’d never had a brussel sprout, and honestly they didn’t “look to suit me” as Pop would say. So, I’d recently decided that I wasn’t to at least try one. I figure I’m fairly likely to get decent ones at fresh market.
I looked around online and found this recipe and gave it a try. I only deviated slightly – I added a spoonful of bacon grease in with the olive oil since I’d seen some tv chef saute them in bacon grease. I think I slightly undercooked them, they were still rather al dente, but they were quite tasty. Not going to become a favorite, but not completely out of the question either if I’m craving something different.
Sparks said they were the best brussel sprouts he’d ever had! Woot!