Still no time for veranda sitting, but I swear it’s coming!
Tonight I cooked a most excellent dinner. I cooked up my latest farmer’s market haul. Green beans, yellow squash, corn – all trucked in of course, it’s too early for that stuff to be in season here. I also sliced up a locally grown tomato that Pop said was really good.
In addition to the veggie feast, I made this recipe that I found while cruising the food blogs early sunday morning. So tasty! I’m betting that they’ll be excellent cold too, but I’m not positive that they will last long enough to find out.
Then I topped it all off with fresh homemade vanilla ice cream and strawberries.
Normally, I wouldn’t buy strawberries that had been shipped in. They usually don’t have any flavor. However, as I walked through the farmer’s market saturday morning, I caught a whiff of these and decided that I must investigate. I asked the adorable little grandma working the booth if she’d been spraying strawberry perfume in the air to bring me in, she just laughed and said that they tasted every bit as good as they smelled. Boy howdy, was she ever right!
I’m really looking forward to later in the summer when some of my veggies can come from my very own garden.